PA Lions for Care for Kids

As a reminder, MD-14 has created a challenge to raise $100,000 for the Four Diamonds Fund to find a cure for Pediatric Cancer. The PA Lions have committed their support and encourage individual clubs to donate, as well as to encourage individuals in their communities to donate. The PA Lions Care for Kids has a separate website which individual districts and clubs can promote (such as through social media).

State Convention Information

The PA Lions State Convention will be held May 16-19 at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos.  Here are some links that might be helpful.

  1. Ballot Question – to be voted on by the delegates from across the state
  2. Club Delegate Form – information for delegates from individual clubs including credentials to be completed
  3. Past District Governor Delegate Form – information for Past District Governors from PA including credentials to be completed

For more information about the convention, see the PA Lions convention page.

Region 1-2 Bowlathon

The Lions and Leo Clubs of Region 1-2 conducted their Diabetes Bowlathon today at ABC East Lanes.  Along with raising money through sponsorships and raffles, the club members and guests had fun whether they were scoring 200+ or 100-:). Thanks for Lion Brian Lynch of the Hershey Lions Club for coordinating the event. See pictures from the event by clicking or touching here.


The GAT Spring Symposiums scheduled for Saturday (March 16th) in Harrisburg and Sunday in Butler have been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.

We will let you know if/when the Symposiums are rescheduled.

February 2019 Cabinet Meeting

If you missed the District 14-T February Cabinet meeting, you missed quite a lot. We recognized the winners of our Peace Poster Contest, had a Leadership presentation by PDG Bill Tuttle to discuss the 10 characteristics of a leader, voted on new screening equipment, and had numerous committee reports.

To view some of the moments from the meeting, see these pictures from Lion John Petrina –

Lioness of the Year Nominations

Attached below is Lioness of the Year Award Form and it appears to be the standard application form, unchanged since 2011.  The collection of the sub-district nominees is to be submitted by DG Keldeen to our Council Chair at our upcoming Feb. 2-3, 2019 State Council Meeting in Altoona.
As this is an annual recognition process, you may already have chosen someone to nominate.  If not, please consider nominating a club member, then submit to me no later than January 30th, so DG Keldeen may submit our sub-district Lioness of the Year recommendation.

Peace Poster Contest Winners

District 14-T announces the winners of their Peace Poster Contest:

  1. First Place Winner Sara Sieger, age 13, submitted by Paxtang Lions Club.
  2. Second Place Lilian Daniel, age 11 submitted by Path Valley Lions Club.
  3. Third Place, Makayla Shutt, age 13, submitted by East Hanover Lions Club.
  4. Honorable Mention, Ellie Mummah, age 12, submitted by Richfield Lions Club.
  5. Honorable Mention, Aleah Feltman, age 11, Richfield Lions Club.

The winning entry is depicted in the accompanying picture. Prizes for the top 3 entries will be awarded at our Cabinet Meeting on February 10th. Winners will be contacted separately. Congratulations to all of our winners!

Special Election Results

District 14-T conducted a Special Election on Saturday, December 22nd to endorse a candidate for International Director of the International Association of Lions Clubs.  We had a great turnout on that Saturday morning from a number of clubs and PDG’s.  The result of the election was the endorsement of PDG Lion John Mallonee of the Hershey Lions Club.

PDG John will now move onto a Special Election at the Multiple District 14 level at the State Council Meeting in Altoona on February 2, 2019.

We wish all the best for PDG John and MD-14 in February!

Notice of Special Election

Why: To select a Multiple District 14 Lion as an endorsed candidate for the high office of International Director at the 102nd Annual Lions Clubs International Convention July 4-9, 2019, in Milan, Italy.
When: Saturday, February 2, 2019
Where: Altoona Grand Hotel, 1 Sheraton Drive, Altoona, PA
Who: Each Multiple District 14 Lions club in good standing with Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 14 and its respective sub-district as of January 1, 2019, shall be entitled to have one (1) certified delegate per each 10 members listed on MyLCI as of November 1, 2018.
How: Certification of delegates and voting for an endorsed candidate for the high office of International Director will be conducted in a one-stop process between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM on Saturday, February 2, 2019, at the Altoona Grand Hotel in Altoona, PA.

PA Lions Announcement – view lettter

Club Delegate – view form

PDG Delegate – view form